Pothead quotes
Pothead quotes The best pothead quotes from all walks of life. The subject of cannabis is enough to get people talking. Some passionately back cannabis, others are totally opposed to it. But, there are some pretty funny things said and what others say you just think – really? We have collected a series of quotes from famous people – comedians, politicians. authors. musicians, actors, and athletes. Comedians Pothead quotes I'm not sayin I'm a pothead, cause I'm not. I'm just sayin that I smoke a lot. Keith Murray. Comedian/Actor Jesus was a pothead- long hair, beard, sandals, carpenter- do...
Whats the price of a gram of weed
Whats the price of a gram of weed Whats the price of a gram of weed? How much should you pay for a gram of weed? The most asked question. And, there is no one straight answer. Many factors influence the price of a gram of weed. These drive price up and during growing season it can drop. The more of the following factors going on at one time in the market, the higher the price. Legal or not Whether cannabis is legal or not plays a huge role on the price. In Colorado weed is legal. A gram is...
All about an eighth of weed
All About An Eighth Of Weed All about an eighth of weed, it's a common weight used for selling cannabis. This is a common weight used on the black market and used by dispensaries today. When you have not come across it before, it simply refers to the size of a deal. Eighth is only a measurement like cups and tablespoons when you are cooking. Let’s have a look at an eighth of weed. What does an eighth weigh? An eighth of weed is simply that, an eighth of an ounce. This is a total of 3.54 grams for the...
Are you allergic to marijuana?
Are you allergic to marijuana? Are you allergic to marijuana? Did you even know it was possible? Well, apparently there are people allergic to cannabis. Hard to believe? With the growing acceptance of weed across the world, there are a staggering 158.8 million people who use this drug. And, this will grow as it becomes legal in more countries. Even if you do not use cannabis, chances are you have met or know someone who does. It is not about not liking the weed, but about people who can have an allergic reaction. Although it is pretty safe and great...
Is marijuana legal in Canada?
Is marijuana legal in Canada? As medical cannabis becomes more accepted across the globe, Canada is considering legalizing medical cannabis. With its laws changing, some people are feeling confused about whether recreational cannabis is legal or not in Canada. It is difficult with so many much conflicting media about Canada’s laws in this area. Is marijuana legal in Canada? Here we give you the low down on the current cannabis laws in the country. Surprisingly, Canada was the first country to legalize medical marijuana in 2001. It was in 2001, when a Canadian Court of Appeal pronounced prohibiting the use...