
How Efficient Is Medical Marijuana to treat Drug Addiction?

How Efficient Is Medical Marijuana to treat Drug Addiction
According to Wikipedia, medical marijuana, or medical cannabis, is cannabis that is recommended by doctors for their patients. It can be administered through a variety of methods such as lozenges, capsules, dermal patches, cannabis edibles, oral sprays, tinctures, and smoking dried buds. Although the use of marijuana as medicine has not been rigorously tested due to restrictions and other government regulations, limited evidence suggests the following benefits of medical marijuana: Medical marijuana can reduce nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy. Medical marijuana can improve appetite and weight gain in people with HIV/AIDS and cancer. Medical marijuana reduces chronic pain and nausea....
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What Are the Key Differences of THC & CBD Strain?

What Are the Key Differences of THC & CBD Strain?
There is no doubt that the battle to legalize the planting and use of marijuana is increasingly being won in some countries. And because of this, people should be familiar with its major constituents. When you take a puff of marijuana and you feel high, what is responsible? And does it that you take it some other times you are not high? These are what I will be discussing in this article. But first of all, you need to understand the two important constituents of marijuana: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), the key differences between them, their benefits, effects and...
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CBD replacing ibuprofen pain killers

CBD replacing ibuprofen pain killers
CBD replacing ibuprofen pain killers CBD replacing ibuprofen pain killers now that it's legal in so many places around the globe. The CBD in cannabis is well known for its ability to reduce pain. Research now shows CBD (cannabinoids) has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects to ease pain. It is as potent as anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen. CBD proving to help daily inflammation pain sufferers Many people suffer from inflammation and pain every day of their lives. These are the way your body tells you something is wrong and is a sign your body is self-healing. Whenever pain or...
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6 Ways to Grow Strong Cannabis and Escalate Yield

6 Ways to Grow Strong Cannabis and Escalate Yield
Growing cannabis has a lot of awesome benefits, which makes is a much better choice than buying cannabis. It is a lovely endeavor that will help you ensure you never run out of cannabis and instead of spending money to buy cannabis, you will get to make money selling from your stash. Growing cannabis is not a difficult endeavor (anyone can do it) and it does not cost a lot of money, but it requires good management and good technique. In other words, you have to keep some principles in mind if you want to grow the best cannabis. Here...
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Future cloning cannabis plants using futuristic cutting edge methods

Future cloning cannabis plants using futuristic cutting edge methods
Future cloning cannabis plants using futuristic cutting edge methods. Growing cannabis can appear difficult if you have never done it before. It is easier to grow cannabis from a cloned plant than from seeds. This saves you going through the process of germinating seeds to start a new crop. Now modern technology makes cloning cannabis plants easier than ever. Future cloning cannabis plants using futuristic cutting edge methods All you need to do is take a cutting from a cannabis plant and put it into rooting powder or a cloning machine. Make sure to give it the tight nutrients and...
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