Canada’s leaders do not want cannabis legislation
Canada’s leaders do not want cannabis legislation
Canada cannabis legislation time frame and age limits are still on-going. With the July 2018 date for cannabis legislation fast approaching, Canada’s leaders call for a delay. At the annual premier’s conference this month, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister said there should be a delay in the cannabis legalisation for a year. But, delaying Canada’s cannabis legislation a year means it comes close to the next election. So, this is not likely to happen. The government won office on the back of its promise of cannabis legislation. This could be because if the Conservatives beat the Liberals, they are likely to reverse any progress on cannabis reform.Canada cannabis legislation
cannabis laws. He said that there should be a consensus on age limits across the eastern provinces to bring some consistency into the laws across these areas. He believes the minimum legal age for cannabis use should be set at 19. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne does not expect a delay to the cannabis legislation. She said they were working on how to keep young people safe and traffic safety for when the laws change. Quebec Premier Phillippe Couillard said they were preparing for the cannabis law changes. He also said he would be happy if there were delays. But, he did not think that would happen with the prime minister’s commitment to legalising cannabis. No matter how Canada’s leaders feel, there is only the one opinion that matters. And, that is of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who says the legislation will go ahead as planned on July 1, 2018. He said that if the provinces are not ready by then, then the Feds would make sure all adults have access to cannabis.Conservatives promise to undo cannabis legalisation
Hoping to win the Conservative Party leadership, Kellie Leitch said she would wind back cannabis legalisation if she wins party leadership and, eventually, becomes prime minister. As a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon, Leitch believes there are too many safety issues surrounding cannabis for it to be legal. She said she would review the bill although she had strong personal views on this subject. It sends mixed messages to Canada’s young people taught not to get involved any drugs. Now cannabis is going to be legal. She believes this is not the message parents want their government sending their children. Leitch believes that legalising cannabis is the wrong thing to do. She said research shows it damages the brains of people under the age of 25. She says cannabis should only be available on prescription from a pharmacy.Minimum legal age debate
A submission to the Federal taskforce from the Canadian Medical Association recommends 21 as a minimum age for legal access to cannabis. The also recommended limited access to people between 21 and 25 to discourage people sharing with underage users and friends. Health Minister Jane Philpott said the purpose of the legalising cannabis was to address the high rate of cannabis use among Canada’s young people. It is the highest in the world. Criminalising cannabis has not reduced its use and other products such as alcohol are legal with restrictions. She said the government would decide the minimum age for legal access to cannabis at the time of legalisation. But, Philpott said what they did know was that cannabis had the potential to cause harm no matter what age people are.Canada cannabis legislation and criminals
Philpott warned that cannabis legalisation did not mean that using cannabis was not without risk. She said the government was being realistic at the high rate of use among young people. Criminalising cannabis use has not worked. University of Toronto psychiatry professor and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health senior scientist Benedikt Fischer said that while there were clear risks with taking cannabis. He said that legalising cannabis was good from an overall public health perspective. He said restricting it us to people over 25 will only force those under that age into the black market.Report recommends mail order cannabis sales
National Access Cannabis chair and co-founder of Canada’s first public cannabis company Chuck Rifici said he was keen to see the government act on task force advice to allow cannabis sales via mail order. He said allowing cannabis sales through the post would help the government keep its election promise. It makes sense to give Canadians access to safe, tested, licenced cannabis products rather than buying from the black market. The task force released its 106-page report late in 2016. It also recommended that storefront sales be to people 18 and over. As well as a personal grow limit of four plants and 30-gram limit for personal possession. BC Seeds genetics have such high yields, many are looking into growing 4 Forever Buds plants to make millions on home production.
Mr. BC Seeds
Mr. BC Seeds is an over educated old school hippy who has been involved in the cannabis industry since the 1970's. He is one of the most experienced marijuana breeders in Canada if not the entire world. He was the first to use the most advanced breeding techniques in 2008 to create 42 of the world's strongest cannabis strains. He has been writing in-depth articles about cannabis in Canada for decades and looks forward to continue bringing you cutting edge cannabis strains for the decades to come. Mr. BC Seeds uses a "pen name" because he still travels the world collecting cannabis strains and continues researching cannabis in laboratories of non-legalized countries.
Posted in General and tagged Canada cannabis legislation age limit
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