ADHD Cannabis Treatment
ADHD cannabis treatment. Cannabis is a suitable option for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). While advances in treatment show medical cannabis as an option, the research is not conclusive for all sides.
ADHD Cannabis Treatment
ADHD is a mental disorder often diagnosed in early childhood. It causes hyperactivity, and people with it are easy to distract and impulsive. It creates difficulty a school, work, and in people’s personal lives. Many people have an ADHD diagnosis as early as 7 years old though often there is not a diagnosis until later in life. Males with ADHD may also have dyslexia. It is unknown what causes ADHD but it often runs in families. Where it runs in families and both parent have ADHD, it can be genetic. Other causes may include:- premature birth before the 37th week
- being underweight at birth
- using drugs, smoking and drinking alcohol while pregnant
- brain damage while still in the womb or at a young age
- exposure to lead in high levels while young.
Treating ADHD
The normal treatment of AHD includes counselling for behavioral and emotional issues. This is in combination with drug therapy to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system to correct the dopamine levels. The drugs can cause side effects for many people and, for some, it does not help at all. Some parents steal their childrens prescription and abuse these speed like pharmaceuticals. Drug treatments include Strattera, Ritalin, Adderal, and Dexedrine. The side effects of some of these drugs are debilitating for some people with this condition. Side effects of these medications include:- stomach pain
- delayed growth
- problems sleeping
- reduced appetite
- mood swings
ADHD cannabis treatment controversy
Using cannabis use to treat ADHD is a controversial subject. It can correct dopamine levels, in theory, the same way as pharmaceutical drugs without the undesirable side effects. So, some people have turned to cannabis as an alternative. They are self-medicating without the recommendations of a doctor. The current research has mixed results. So, it is not good enough for doctors to recommend cannabis as a safe option for treating ADHD. With more research into the subject this may change. Cannabis is one of the most popular recreational drugs. And, more recently, it has gained greater acceptance for its medical benefits. It is often used for pain relief and mental disorders, but its effectiveness is not confirmed.ADHD cannabis research
A study in 2016 looked at the anecdotal evidence in 268 threads on discussion boards. The study found that 25% of the posts by people using cannabis for treating ADHD said it was helpful. But, 8% found it harmful. Other limited studies had mixed results. Although, some suggest cannabis can help alleviate the symptoms of ADHD.Children, ADHD and cannabis
The big question is, can you treat children with ADHD with marijuana? There is no conclusive research about the effects of cannabis for treating children with ADHD. The concern is that children’s brains are still developing so the it could be harmful. Children and teenagers may also be more likely to become addicted. But, although one study in 2017 had positive results, it said further research needed to replicate the results.What are the risks?
While young people are more likely to use marijuana, there is no conclusive evidence it will help the symptoms of ADHD. Some research even shows it can cause depression and anxiety. Research suggests some long-term effects can include:- the risk of addiction
- adverse effect on brain development
- can be a gateway drug
- may increase mental illness
- may have an adverse effect on school work and achieving throughout life
- other health risks.
Cannabis interaction with traditional medications
Some people claim cannabis can eliminate the need for traditional drugs. Others say it enhances the traditional for treating ADHD. And, researchers cannot say whether marijuana has a negative or positive effect on people with ADHD or not. It is important there be more research into cannabis use as an option for treating ADHD.
Mr. BC Seeds
Mr. BC Seeds is an over educated old school hippy who has been involved in the cannabis industry since the 1970's. He is one of the most experienced marijuana breeders in Canada if not the entire world. He was the first to use the most advanced breeding techniques in 2008 to create 42 of the world's strongest cannabis strains. He has been writing in-depth articles about cannabis in Canada for decades and looks forward to continue bringing you cutting edge cannabis strains for the decades to come. Mr. BC Seeds uses a "pen name" because he still travels the world collecting cannabis strains and continues researching cannabis in laboratories of non-legalized countries.
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