Why Grow Marijuana Yourself?
Why Grow Marijuana Yourself? Growing cannabis plants at home is becoming more popular under lockdown. Growing marijuana isn’t quite the same as growing other plants around the house. With the ability to get marijuana from your local shop you may be wondering why someone would grow their own, let’s take a look.
Benefits of Growing Your Own Cannabis Plants
A New Skill Set and Hobby
The number one thing you gain from growing your own marijuana is a new skill set. You learn how to care for a unique plant. Growing is more than just a way to get affordable marijuana. For many, it becomes a passionate hobby.
Affordable Marijuana
When learning to grow marijuana you are going to spend a fair amount of money upfront. You have to get all of the equipment and accessories needed to start the grow. Once you have all of that though, you won’t be spending that much money regularly. Your costs for herb drops significantly once you grow your own.
No Need To Go Out
Growing marijuana at home means that you have marijuana easily at your fingertips. You no longer need to go to the store to get marijuana and can stay at home enjoying the fruits of your labor. For some, this can be a big benefit.
Methods for Growing Cannabis Plants
If you are looking for how to grow cannabis we have resources to help guide you through the specifics but we wanted to give you a few pieces of information on some of the methods that exist for the growing process.
Indoor vs Outdoor Growing
Cannabis has grown on its own outdoors. Growing outdoors allows it the ability for it to get plenty of light, movement and natural air. However, when they’re outdoors you’ll have to worry about other people taking an interest in your plants. Your plants are also exposed to pests and harsh weather conditions, especially in Canada.
Indoor marijuana growing is great because you can control the soil and the lighting as you want. On the other hand, you will have to have create a light setup and it will likely raise your power bill. So you should consider L.E.D. lights to keep spikes in usuage hidden. The increase in your power bill should only be slight with a small grow though.
Traditional Marijuana Seeds vs Autoflowering Seeds
The traditional method of growing marijuana is to have seeds that require a specific light cycle to flower, that means you either need to wait for them to reach that point naturally or expose them to that cycle artificially. Another option for homegrown marijuana is to use autoflowering seeds. Autoflowering seeds are crossbred with a species of cannabis that flowers at a specific time in its growth, not at a specific light exposure. This can be beneficial for those that want to grow without worrying about controlling the lights or for those that want a faster flowering.
Where to Buy Cannabis Seeds for Sale
Always buy seeds from a reputable source. A seed bank is one of the best ways to get seeds in Canada or anywhere else in the world. Seed banks are libraries of seeds with thousands of years of genetics. Various common and rare strains are stored and sold. Going through a seed bank makes it easy to order more seeds of the same type when you need them.
Why Grow Marijuana Yourself, Conclusion
Growing marijuana is quite rewarding, you can get a lot from the experience.This is just an introduction to some of the benefits and methods for growing marijuana. Take them to heart and continue researching and begin growing your own cannabis.

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