
The Parties and Pot: How American Politics Is Divided on Marijuana

While there are many other, louder divisions between Republicans and Democrats in the United States, marijuana is a division that has extreme polarity. Overall, the Grand Old Party considers cannabis to be a dangerous and harmful drug that is a gateway to even more insidious vices – despite the lack of empirical evidence supporting this claim and in fact the overwhelming amount of evidence supporting exactly the opposite: that marijuana is not harmful, is not dangerous, and is not a gateway drug. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has had more or less an ambivalent status toward marijuana, sometimes supporting medical marijuana...
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The Future of Medical Marijuana

The future of medical marijuana is bright. Cannabis is a miracle plant when it comes to medical uses. It is known to treat many illnesses and diseases, including epilepsy, chronic pain, anxiety and depression, and even cancer. For decades now, pharmaceutical companies have funded anti-drug campaigns and lobbied to restrict access to cannabis for obvious reasons: because if people can use marijuana to treat their illnesses, they won’t pay the big bucks for pills. Therefore any time a pharmaceutical company says anything in favor of marijuana, we should take note and ask ourselves why. Chances are, it’s because they have...
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10 Facts You Need to Know About Shatter

Shatter is the name of a super concentrated marijuana extract that is becoming increasingly popular, especially in states where marijuana use is legal and people can own it without fear of legal repercussions. There is some controversy about shatter, just like there would be with any other marijuana extract - especially one as potent as this. So here are the ten key facts you need to know about shatter the next time you see a headline about it or your uncle brings it up at the family reunion in the context of the demise of American civilization. Shatter is made...
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Short Medium and Long Term Storage of Marijuana

how to store marijuana
Use a freezer, and make sure your marijuana is as air tight as possible, you don’t want any moisture from the air left inside the container, so make sure you don’t leave much air in your container. DO NOT take your bud out of the freezer and let it warm up to room temperature. This allows your marijuana to release it’s own moisture from within it’s leaves and cause storage problems. Left untouched in a deep freeze (-18 Celcius), you can store you bud for over a year. If you’re going to be accessing your storage container often, store it...
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Salvia of the Ghosts Out of Body Experience

Salvia is a Mexican herb that has ancient usage for visions, its affects on the out of body divine experience, it induces dissociative effects. The plant is indiginous to the Sierra Mazateca cloud forest in Oaxaca, Mexico. It grows in shady and moist locations.The plant grows to over a meter high, has hollow square stems, large leaves, and occasional white flowers with violet calyxes. Botanists have not determined whether Salvia divinorum is a cultigen or a hybrid; native plants reproduce vegetatively, rarely producing viable seed. First used by the Mazatec people living in the area and was used by Mazatec...
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