How to Get More Females From Your Cannabis Seeds
The most important thing about cannabis is it’s natural healing powers. You should always use organic soil as your medium. Why would you take something good and containment it with chemicals? This just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Is it more profitable to use hydro instead of soil? No it is not at all. You have to look at the big picture here. Inhaling chemically produced plants will increase your medical heath bills in the future, so if it takes an extra week to finish your buds in a soil medium the added electricity costs for that extra week will be less than your medical bills and overall health in the future. Even more important than future medical bills, is the way you will feel on a daily basis, living chemically free, with more energy, more productivity and just the general feeling of being healthy. That in it self is priceless. So if it costs you an extra $5 per quarter in the short run, it’s money spent wisely. Buyer’s should be demanding only organic, and suppliers will have to change to meet demand. It’s simple economics. With that said, lets move on to what you’re really interested in, how to get more females to grow from that 10 pack of seeds you purchased. What you need to know about cannabis is that the experience of the grower has so much to do with their female:male ratios when growing from seeds. You can give 5 people the same 10 seeds, and they will all have different results. Some growers will have 30% females, 70% females, 50% females and others 100% females. The sex is not exactly predetermined before the grower gets the seeds. It’s all about a few tips and tricks and most important of all, reducing stress on the plants, specifically right before the calyx’s begin to form. Think about growing and controlling marijuana’s stress levels like that of a person with Diabetes. The less his or her blood sugar levels fluctuate, the less stress the diabetic will suffer. If you over water or over dry your plants soil, it will cause stress, just like if your diabetics friends eats the wrong foods with too much sugar, or injects too much insulin, his body will not be stress free with all the fluctuations. They now have something called an insulin pump, that injects the proper amount of insulin 24 hours a day to keep sugar levels more stabilized throughout the day, instead of three injections per day which would have more fluctuations of the diabetics sugar levels and physical stress. So the idea of good growing, it to try to be the insulin pump, making sure your plants:
- Room temperature does not fluctuate too much
- Room humidity levels do not fluctuate too much
- Soil moisture levels to not become over watered or overly dry.
- You keep the nutrients feeding regulated, not spiking or depleting the amounts of nutrients throughout each day. An equal ratio N,K and P will have reasonable results obtaining female plants. Remember the Diabetic pump theory,
- You keep your light schedule exact, and never allow light pollution (never allow, even for a second, any amount of light to contact your plants during it’s dark cycle)
- Never use 24 hours of light for vegetation, 18 on / 6 off is suitable, but not optimal. Read below for more advanced techniques.

Mr. BC Seeds
Mr. BC Seeds is an over educated old school hippy who has been involved in the cannabis industry since the 1970's. He is one of the most experienced marijuana breeders in Canada if not the entire world. He was the first to use the most advanced breeding techniques in 2008 to create 42 of the world's strongest cannabis strains. He has been writing in-depth articles about cannabis in Canada for decades and looks forward to continue bringing you cutting edge cannabis strains for the decades to come. Mr. BC Seeds uses a "pen name" because he still travels the world collecting cannabis strains and continues researching cannabis in laboratories of non-legalized countries.
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