
Quebec’s Liquor Control Board to control cannabis sales

Quebec’s Liquor Control Board to control cannabis sales
Quebec’s Liquor Control Board to control cannabis sales Quebec has announced the legal age to buy cannabis will be 18. Cannabis is due for legalisation in 2018, and this minimum age mirrors Quebec's legal drinking age. The Liquor Control Board will control sales through government-controlled outlets and its website. The Société des alcools d u Québec (SAQ) has yet to determine the number of retail outlets. But, according to Quebec’s Public Health Minister, Lucie Charlebois, new legislation is due for tabling soon. Quebec’s Public Security Minister, Martin Coiteux, said the priority was to protect young people. The primary concern is...
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From Busting Drug Users to Legal Cannabis Suppliers

From Busting Drug Users to Legal Cannabis Suppliers
From busting drug users to legal cannabis suppliers. Talk about turnaround. When they can money, former high profile, staunch no supporters soon reassess to get in on the cash. From busting drug users, former top law enforcers have changed sides. They no longer see cannabis as a problem. They have gone into the pot business for themselves. Law Enforcement Go From Busting People to Supplying Cannabis Something stinks and it is not pot. Well, it is, in a sense. Former law enforcers go from busting people to being among the new legal pot suppliers. How ironic. Among those is Toronto’s...
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Peyote Invokes Spiritual Insight

Peyote Invokes Spiritual Insight
Peyote invokes spiritual insight. Most Western countries have outlawed the use of plants containing naturally occurring drugs. Despite their use for thousands of years by people for spiritual and medical reasons, governments ban them. Plants like cannabis and peyote are illegal for general use in most countries. Peyote Invokes Spiritual Insight One has to wonder why. Is it because, as they say, they fear they effects of people misusing the plants to get high? Or, is it something no one dares talk about? Many plants have medical properties. The use of these in Western medicines is common, so the value...
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Cannabis turns Canada green opportunities

Cannabis turns Canada green opportunities
Cannabis turns Canada green opportunities. Canada stands on the cusp of a bright new future. With the country set to legalise recreational cannabis, it will lead the world in creating an industry for Canadians worth billions of dollars. Cannabis turns Canada Green Opportunities These days you do not go to Canada to prospect for gold. You go to grow green weed and see it turn into green cash. So to speak. With only eight months until legislation comes into effect, the country sits at the precipice of unchartered territory. There is excitement across the country at the prospect of cashing...
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Canadian Police Not Ready For Cannabis Legislation

Canadian police not ready for cannabis legislation. Senior Canadian police want more time to prepare for cannabis legislation. The Canadian government promised to legalise cannabis by July 2018. Although the government introduced legislation to that effect last year. Canadian police not ready for cannabis legislation Ontario Provincial Police deputy commissioner Rick Barnum told the House of Commons they needed more time. He said police would not be ready to start policing legalised cannabis on August 1, 2018 if legalised in July. He said that while they were almost prepared, it was important to make sure they got it right. Canadian...
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