
Gold Rush Town Now Green Rush Town

Gold Rush Town Now Green Rush Town From covered wagons and ranchers in 1905, this old gold rush town now green rush town is about to get rich. Today, this small town on the edge of the Mojave Desert in Northern California is about to become a cannabis tourist destination. American Green bought Nipton for close to $5 million in cash. Nipton only has a population of six. The new owners’ have a vision of turning it into a cannabis friendly place. Somewhere people can visit a working cannabis farms and cannabis dispensaries. It will be somewhere people can stay...
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Cannabis legislation puts sniffer dogs out of work

Cannabis legislation puts sniffer dogs out of work In Colorado, cannabis legislation is causing problems for highly trained drug sniffing canines. Kilo, Colorado’s now infamous drug detection dog faces retirement through redundancy for a job so well done. Recently a case dating back to 2015 came before the Colorado Court of Appeals. It found in favour of the defendant Kevin McKnight in a landmark case. Kilo detected illicit drugs in McKnight’s truck after police stopped it. McKnight took a wrong turn after leaving a property suspected of dealing drugs. Kilo's training means he can detect cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, methamphetamine and...
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Canada’s leaders do not want cannabis legislation

Canada cannabis legislation
Canada’s leaders do not want cannabis legislation Canada cannabis legislation time frame and age limits are still on-going. With the July 2018 date for cannabis legislation fast approaching, Canada’s leaders call for a delay. At the annual premier’s conference this month, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister said there should be a delay in the cannabis legalisation for a year. But, delaying Canada’s cannabis legislation a year means it comes close to the next election. So, this is not likely to happen. The government won office on the back of its promise of cannabis legislation. This could be because if the Conservatives...
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Medical cannabis legalised in Mexico

Medical cannabis legalised in Mexico Medical cannabis is now legal in Mexico after an overwhelming vote of 374-7 in Mexico’s lower parliament on April 28. This is an historic change in attitude for a country at war with drugs. Mexico is another country to recognise the healing properties of the cannabis plant. In June, Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto signed off on the bill. It had already passed the senate with a vote of 98-7 in December. But, this does not mean it will be available on the streets of Mexico. This bill authorises the Mexican Health Ministry to develop...
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Switzerland’s CBD cafes booming

Switzerland’s CBD cafes booming Although Switzerland's cannabis laws changed 6 years ago, it is only now the industry is booming. Its laws allow medical cannabis products with up to 1 percent THC. There are now high hopes for the industry which has gone crazy since late 2016. According to a customs spokesperson, entrepreneurs have only now discovered its money-making potential. Low potency cannabis has been legal since 2011. Switzerland’s Customs Agency taxes the cannabis trade. Its spokesperson said the amount of people registering to sell low THC cannabis has skyrocketed from only a few to 140 in 6 months. Switzerland...
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